Stop Bad Behavior in its Tracks
When there are an unusual number of people or dogs around is when you are most likely to see this behavior, even in dogs that normally won’t display it.
When there are an unusual number of people or dogs around is when you are most likely to see this behavior, even in dogs that normally won’t display it.
This habit is gross and it can be unhealthy for your dog. While eating poop, known as coprophagia, isn’t all that uncommon you should to discover the causes.
If your dog is doing a lot of scratching then something isn’t right. You are eager to discover the reason for the excessive scratching and to put an end to it.
Any dog owner that their pet is susceptible to certain ailments, just as all creatures are. Knowing what to expect will ensure that you are prepared to act.
No dog owner should be surprised that their pooch is capable of aggressive behavior. Dogs for centuries were wild animals and that pack mentality still resides.